
Tips And Tricks To Stay Safe On Winter Roads

Tips And Tricks To Stay Safe On Winter Roads

With winter right around the corner, it’s time to prepare for the frosty-road season. Blizzards, heavy snowfall, and icy conditions are all a reality for drivers in North America. Check out these tips to help you stay safe on winter roads!

Get Proper Winter Tires

Winter tires are essential to staying safe on the roads during the winter months. Where you’re traveling, winter tires on passenger vehicles and chains on commercial vehicles may be law, and winter tires provide better traction and handling in winter weather conditions.

All-season tires are not the same as winter tires. All-season tires are designed for use in all seasons but are not optimized for winter weather conditions.

Investing in a set of winter tires is important if you live in an area that experiences snow and ice during the winter months. Winter tires can make a big difference in your safety on the roads.

You need to be aware of the different types of winter tires available. There are studded winter tires and non-studded winter tires. Studded winter tires provide better traction on icy roads but can damage the pavement. Non-studded winter tires do not damage pavement but may not provide as much traction on icy roads.

Check Tire Pressure and Level

It’s important to keep an eye on your tire pressure in the winter. Cold weather can cause your tires to lose pressure, leading to a blowout.

Check your tire pressure at least once a week during the winter months. You can do this easily with a tire pressure gauge.

It’s also important to keep your tires at the proper level, which means there should be enough tread on them to provide traction on icy and snowy roads.

If you’re unsure how to check your tread depth, look at your car’s owner’s manual. You can also ask a mechanic to take a look for you.

If you need new tires, make sure to get ones that are designed for winter driving. These tires will have deeper tread and be made of materials that stay pliable in cold temperatures.


Make Sure Your Battery is Charged and Fresh

One of the most important things you can do to stay safe on winter roads is to ensure your car’s battery is charged and fresh. A dead battery is one of the leading causes of winter breakdowns, so you must keep yours in good condition.

Most auto parts stores will do it for free if you’re unsure how to check your battery. You can also buy a portable charger to keep in your car if your battery dies.

Another way to stay safe on winter roads is to keep your gas tank at least half full. This will help you avoid running out of gas in case you get stranded and keep your engine from freezing up.

Finally, make sure you have a good emergency kit in your car. This should include a shovel, blankets, extra clothes, food, water, and a first-aid kit. If you get stranded, these items could mean the difference between life and death.

Keep your Car Clean

Winter driving can be dangerous, but there are some things you can do to help keep yourself safe on the roads. One of the most important things is ensuring your car is clean.

Ice and snow can build up on your car, making it difficult to see. Be sure to clean off your windshield and windows before you start driving.

It is also essential to clear any snow or ice from your headlights and taillights, and this will help other drivers see you on the road.

Another safety tip is keeping your gas tank at least half full during the winter, which will help prevent your car from stalling in cold weather. Doing this will also keep you safe should you run into unexpected traffic.

Make sure you have an emergency kit in your car as well. This should include a blanket, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, and snacks.

If you do find yourself stranded on the side of the road, stay with your car and call for help. Do not try to walk to safety!

Keep a Small Tool Kit in Your Car

When the weather gets cold, and the roads get icy, it’s important to be prepared. That’s why keeping a small tool kit in your car is a good idea. This way, if you run into trouble, you’ll have everything you need to get out of it.

Some of the things you should include in your kit are a shovel, a brush, and some sand or salt. This way, if you get stuck, you can dig yourself out and then brush off the snow and ice to get going again.

It’s also a good idea to keep a blanket in your car. This way, if you do get stranded somewhere, you’ll be able to stay warm until help arrives.

Lastly, ensure you have a fully charged cell phone to call for help if needed. Following these simple tips will make you much better prepared for winter driving.

Check your Vehicle’s Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit in your car is important if you’re driving in winter weather. This kit should include a shovel, blankets, flares, and a first-aid kit.

Keeping some snacks and water in your car if you get stranded is also a good idea. And if you’re traveling long distances, ensure you have a full gas tank.

If you get stranded, stay in your car and call for help. Don’t try to walk to safety unless you see it’s not too far away.

And finally, if you start to skid on icy roads, don’t panic. Steer into the skid and slowly release the accelerator until you regain control of your vehicle.

Plan Your Destination Ahead of Time

Knowing where you’re going is important before you start your journey. This way, you can map out the safest route and avoid any hazardous areas.

If you’re driving in unfamiliar territory, be sure to do your research ahead of time and plan your route accordingly. And, if you can, try to avoid traveling during bad weather conditions.

When you’re planning your trip, be sure to check the forecast and current road conditions. If the weather is bad, consider postponing your journey or taking a different route.

It’s also a good idea to let someone know your travel plans before you set off. This way, someone will know when to expect you and can check in on you if you don’t arrive when expected.

Remain Calm

One of the most important things you can do when driving on winter roads is to remain calm. This can be difficult when the conditions are poor, and you are worried about sliding or losing control of your vehicle.

If you feel anxious, take a few deep breaths and focus on your driving. Remember that you control your vehicle and can handle the situation if you stay calm and focused.

If you do start to slide, resist the urge to brake suddenly. This can cause your tires to lock up and make it difficult to regain control of your car. Instead, ease off the accelerator and steer in the direction you want to go.

Winter driving can be challenging, but if you remain calm and focus on the task, you can safely navigate the roads.

Remember to Drive Comfortably

Winter driving can be treacherous. Icy roads, snow drifts, and poor visibility can all lead to accidents. Here are some tips to help you stay safe on the roads this winter:

Slow down. It takes longer to stop on icy roads, so give yourself extra time to brake.

Increase your following distance. Again, it takes longer to stop on icy roads, so you need to give yourself more space between you and the car in front of you.

Don’t use cruise control. Maintaining a consistent speed on icy roads is harder, so it’s best to avoid using cruise control.

Use your headlights. Visibility is often poor during winter weather, so ensure your headlights are on so that other drivers can see you.

Don’t pass snow plows. Snow plows are clearing the roads for a reason – it’s not safe to pass them!

By following these tips, you can help ensure that you arrive at your destination safely this winter.